Are you ready to get your Invention into the European Marketplace?
Listed below are various packages that InventorHaus, Inc. offers you to further develop your idea and enter into the European market. We can also create a customized package based on the actual stage of your product development and desired results. Contact us directly to personally discuss your particular situation and how InventorHaus, Inc. can help you reach your specific goals
Create a Presentation for your Invention
Logo design
Website, SEO (3 pages, English and German)
inpama listings, surveys (English) and Patent-net (German) listings
Video Presentation (English and German)
Media: Press Relations, Social Media
500 Business Cards, mailed to you
500 Brochures/Flyers, mailed to you
Timeframe: 4 weeks
Find Licensing Partners in Europe
Identification of qualified licensing partners
Creation of qualified database list
Formal introduction to licensee or distributor, follow up, monthly feedback reports
Creation and management of inpama and patent-net listings
Media: Press Relations, Social Media
Timeframe: 6 – 8 weeks
Show Potential Buyers Your Product in Action
3D / Computer-aided Design
Video Presentation
Timeframe: 4 – 12 weeks
Produce your Invention
Product and Package Design
International Requirements, Translations, EAN Codes
Sourcing of manufacturers for limited production
Documents (shipping, import/export)
Timeframe: 24 weeks
Research and Test the Market
Placement in Erfinderladen in Berlin, Germany, and Salzburg, Austria, Erfinderladen.com
Market research/feedback report on 16 week Erfinderladen experience
Coordination of shipping of your product to Berlin (shipping costs charged separately)
Media: Press Relations, Social Media
Time Frame : 20 weeks
Find Retail and Distribution Partners in Europe
Identification of qualified retail/distribution partners
Creation of qualified database list
Formal introduction to retail outlets and distributors, follow up, monthly feedback reports
Contract negotiations
Media: Press Relations, Social Media, inpama (English) and Patent-net listings (German)
Timeframe: 32 – 52 weeks
Get a Licensing Deal
Licensing documents
Contract negotiations
Collection of royalties
Timeframe: 32 weeks
Do you have an invention or business idea?
InventorHaus can directly bring your product to market as well as guide you through each step of the invention process.
We will assess your idea for free. Confidentiality assured.